A microcircuit in the mouse anterior cingulate cortex that plays a role in transforming visual inputs into actions

A microcircuit in the mouse anterior cingulate cortex that plays a role in transforming visual inputs into actions

A team of researchers at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, has found a microci...
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Early training delays symptom onset in mouse model of Rett syndrome

Early training delays symptom onset in mouse model of Rett syndrome

New scientific findings bring hope that early trai...
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Obesity changes cell response to glucose, uses slower metabolic path in mouse liver

Obesity changes cell response to glucose, uses slower metabolic path in mouse liver

Healthy cells and cells with type 2 diabetes use c...
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A ‘consciousness conductor’ synchronizes and connects mouse brain areas

A ‘consciousness conductor’ synchronizes and connects mouse brain areas

For scientists searching for the brain’s &#8...
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