How our unique brain takes shape during mid-pregnancy

How our unique brain takes shape during mid-pregnancy

About four or five months after conception, a burst of synaptic growth begins in the prefrontal cort...
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Inspiring stories from our Good Health supplement on its 30th birthday

Inspiring stories from our Good Health supplement on its 30th birthday

For three decades, Good Health has been the unriva...
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How our brains track where we and others go

How our brains track where we and others go

As COVID cases rise, physically distancing yoursel...
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Has COVID-19 knocked us onto our backsides?

Has COVID-19 knocked us onto our backsides?

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, most universitie...
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How the new coronavirus restrictions have played havoc with our sleep

How the new coronavirus restrictions have played havoc with our sleep

As a second wave of coronavirus infections hit the...
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Scientists capture diversity in the ‘stars’ of our nervous system

Scientists capture diversity in the ‘stars’ of our nervous system

Scientists at the Francis Crick Institute have fou...
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Oxford immunologist on coronavirus vaccine: Our early results look highly promising

Oxford immunologist on coronavirus vaccine: Our early results look highly promising

A vaccine against COVID-19 is urgently needed if w...
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Is the COVID-19 pandemic cure really worse than the disease? Here’s what our research found

Is the COVID-19 pandemic cure really worse than the disease? Here’s what our research found

The coronavirus pandemic catapulted the country in...
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Retirement age is increasing – but our new study reveals most only work 10 years in good health after 50

Retirement age is increasing – but our new study reveals most only work 10 years in good health after 50

In 1800, the global average life expectancy was on...
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Get it over with, or procrastinate? New research explores our decision-making process

Get it over with, or procrastinate? New research explores our decision-making process

When it’s time to schedule a vacation, most ...
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