Pre-COVID subway air polluted from DC to Boston, but New York region’s is the worst

Pre-COVID subway air polluted from DC to Boston, but New York region’s is the worst

Commuters now have yet another reason to avoid packing themselves into subway stations. New York Cit...
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New virus restrictions come in force in two Spanish regions

New virus restrictions come in force in two Spanish regions

New restrictions to stop the spread of the new cor...
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Programming ‘language’: Brain scans reveal coding uses same regions as speech

Programming ‘language’: Brain scans reveal coding uses same regions as speech

What goes on in the minds of programmers when they...
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Uncovering how ‘dark matter’ regions of the genome affect inflammatory diseases

Uncovering how ‘dark matter’ regions of the genome affect inflammatory diseases

A study led by researchers at the Babraham Institu...
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Ghana extends virus lockdown in key regions

Ghana extends virus lockdown in key regions

Credit: CC0 Public Domain Ghana will extend a lock...
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