Potential marker for success of immunotherapy in the treatment of lung cancer

Potential marker for success of immunotherapy in the treatment of lung cancer

Lung cancer has the highest mortality rate of all cancers, and treatment options are extremely limit...
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HPV vaccine shows success in gay, bisexual men

HPV vaccine shows success in gay, bisexual men

A study by Monash University and Alfred Health fou...
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How Taiwan beat COVID-19: New study reveals clues to its success

How Taiwan beat COVID-19: New study reveals clues to its success

Taiwan has been widely applauded for its managemen...
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Sleep health dictates success of practicing mindfulness

Sleep health dictates success of practicing mindfulness

Sleeping an extra 29 minutes each night can be the...
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Immune functions traded in for reproductive success

Immune functions traded in for reproductive success

Deep-sea anglerfishes employ an incredible reprodu...
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