High intake of fatty acid in nuts, seeds and plant oils linked to lower risk of death

High intake of fatty acid in nuts, seeds and plant oils linked to lower risk of death

A high intake of alpha linolenic acid (ALA)—found mainly in nuts, seeds, and plant oils—is assoc...
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Link between amino acid and a range of common diseases could help predict personal risk

Link between amino acid and a range of common diseases could help predict personal risk

One of the first population-scale studies on how c...
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Thickened feeds, and not acid-suppressing medications, help treat laryngomalacia in infants

Thickened feeds, and not acid-suppressing medications, help treat laryngomalacia in infants

In laryngomalacia, the soft tissues of the larynx ...
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Acid reflux drug could help newborn babies recover from brain injury, study suggests

Acid reflux drug could help newborn babies recover from brain injury, study suggests

Researchers in China have discovered a potential w...
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Alzheimer’s: Can an amino acid help to restore memories?

Alzheimer’s: Can an amino acid help to restore memories?

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