New discovery offers several approaches to fight visceral obesity

New discovery offers several approaches to fight visceral obesity

Pioneering mouse study offers new therapeutic avenues for reducing visceral fat stores, which have b...
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Vitamin D intake associated with lower risk of developing young-onset colorectal cancer

Vitamin D intake associated with lower risk of developing young-onset colorectal cancer

Consuming higher amounts of Vitamin D – main...
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Novel blood test as adjunct to MRI improves prostate cancer screening

Novel blood test as adjunct to MRI improves prostate cancer screening

Researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden rec...
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UC Davis epidemiologist turns to colleagues for cancer care

UC Davis epidemiologist turns to colleagues for cancer care

Brad Pollock knows a lot about cancer. In addition...
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Mount Sinai awarded more than $4 million to evaluate anal cancer screening in high-risk women

Mount Sinai awarded more than $4 million to evaluate anal cancer screening in high-risk women

The Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai has be...
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Morphle manufactures its 101st slide scanner for NIH’s NCI

Morphle manufactures its 101st slide scanner for NIH’s NCI

Morphle Labs makes its ceremonial 101st scanner fo...
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Sentenced to 8 Years in Prison for Duping Cancer Patients

Sentenced to 8 Years in Prison for Duping Cancer Patients

A Tennessee man has been sentenced to 8 years in p...
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Vitamin D supplementation could reduce opioid doses in palliative cancer treatment

Vitamin D supplementation could reduce opioid doses in palliative cancer treatment

Patients with vitamin D deficiency who received vi...
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Cancer vaccine improves outcomes in Lynch syndrome model

Cancer vaccine improves outcomes in Lynch syndrome model

A new strategy for developing vaccines against can...
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New insights on replication-stress sensitivity in breast cancer cells

New insights on replication-stress sensitivity in breast cancer cells

Oncotarget published "Frame-shift mediated re...
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