Researchers identify genes that make children susceptible to severe Kawasaki disease

Researchers identify genes that make children susceptible to severe Kawasaki disease

Researchers have found genes that make children susceptible to the disease, and those associated wit...
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Most differences in DNA binding compounds found at birth in children conceived by IVF not seen in early childhood

Most differences in DNA binding compounds found at birth in children conceived by IVF not seen in early childhood

Compared to newborns conceived traditionally, newb...
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Stalled Pfizer deal clouds Israel's hopes of swift herd immunity

Stalled Pfizer deal clouds Israel's hopes of swift herd immunity

JERUSALEM (Reuters) -A bid to secure more Pfizer/B...
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CDC Director: All Schools Should Fully Open This Fall

CDC Director: All Schools Should Fully Open This Fall

Editor’s note: Find the latest COVID-19 news...
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Children and SARS-CoV-2: More infections than reported cases during second wave in Germany

Children and SARS-CoV-2: More infections than reported cases during second wave in Germany

The prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 infections in prescho...
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Stay-at-home measures may have offered protective effects for youth mental health early in the pandemic

Stay-at-home measures may have offered protective effects for youth mental health early in the pandemic

A study in the Journal of the American Academy of ...
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FAQ: What to Know About COVID-19 Vaccines for Kids

FAQ: What to Know About COVID-19 Vaccines for Kids

As more adults across the country get vaccinated a...
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Children exposed to tobacco smoke use more emergent health services

Children exposed to tobacco smoke use more emergent health services

Tobacco smoke-exposed children utilize emergency a...
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Sinovac says its COVID-19 vaccine is safe for children as young as 3

Sinovac says its COVID-19 vaccine is safe for children as young as 3

Atlas: CDC’s six-foot distancing guidance wa...
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Expanded Testing Part of Biden Administration School Plans

Expanded Testing Part of Biden Administration School Plans

Editor’s note: Find the latest COVID-19 news...
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