Genomic test helps estimate risk of prostate cancer metastasis, death

Genomic test helps estimate risk of prostate cancer metastasis, death

A commercially available genomic test may help oncologists better determine which patients with recu...
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ASPCA Helps with the Removal and Care of Nine Kittens from Overwhelmed Caregiver

ASPCA Helps with the Removal and Care of Nine Kittens from Overwhelmed Caregiver

The ASPCA Community Engagement team recently assis...
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Missing protein helps small cell lung cancer evade immune defenses

Missing protein helps small cell lung cancer evade immune defenses

Small cell lung cancer (SCLC) cells are missing a ...
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Non-invasive brain stimulation helps to ease tremors

Non-invasive brain stimulation helps to ease tremors

A team involving UCL researchers have used electri...
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North Carolina field hospital helps fight coronavirus surge

North Carolina field hospital helps fight coronavirus surge

Chris Rutledge peels an N-95 mask off her tired fa...
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Modeling tool helps organizations build tailored COVID-19 testing

Modeling tool helps organizations build tailored COVID-19 testing

Warehouses, manufacturing floors, offices, schools...
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Artificial intelligence technology helps Parkinson’s patients during COVID-19 pandemic

Artificial intelligence technology helps Parkinson’s patients during COVID-19 pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic is leading a Purdue Universi...
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The 'whistle' that helps you use your inhaler properly

The 'whistle' that helps you use your inhaler properly

The ‘whistle’ that helps you use your ...
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AI helps detect brain aneurysms on CT angiography

AI helps detect brain aneurysms on CT angiography

A powerful type of artificial intelligence known a...
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Age-appropriate contraception counseling helps health care providers educate teens

Age-appropriate contraception counseling helps health care providers educate teens

Preventing unplanned pregnancies in adolescents wi...
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