‘Invisible’ stem cells evade natural killer cells using immune ‘off-switch’

‘Invisible’ stem cells evade natural killer cells using immune ‘off-switch’

UC San Francisco scientists have discovered a new way to control the immune system’s ‘na...
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Maternal immune activation induces sustained changes in fetal microglia motility

Maternal immune activation induces sustained changes in fetal microglia motility

Researchers at the Kobe University Graduate School...
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Priming the immune system to attack cancer

Priming the immune system to attack cancer

Immunotherapies, such as checkpoint inhibitor drug...
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Cancer cells mediate immune suppression in the brain

Cancer cells mediate immune suppression in the brain

Scientists have long believed that the brain prote...
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The making of memory B cells and long-term immune responses

The making of memory B cells and long-term immune responses

The current COVID-19 climate has made vaccines, an...
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9 in 10 Americans not yet immune to COVID, CDC director says

9 in 10 Americans not yet immune to COVID, CDC director says

The head of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control a...
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Molecule that activates immune protein STING shows promising results against tumors

Molecule that activates immune protein STING shows promising results against tumors

Scientists at Scripps Research have discovered a m...
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Clinical trial focuses on reducing overactive immune response in COVID-19

Clinical trial focuses on reducing overactive immune response in COVID-19

Researchers at Washington University School of Med...
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Immune functions traded in for reproductive success

Immune functions traded in for reproductive success

Deep-sea anglerfishes employ an incredible reprodu...
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‘Good progress’, but don’t expect first Covid-19 vaccinations until early 2021: WHO expert Mike Ryan

‘Good progress’, but don’t expect first Covid-19 vaccinations until early 2021: WHO expert Mike Ryan

Researchers are making “good progress”...
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