Anti-Influenza Drug Avigan® Tablet Meets Primary Endpoint in Phase III Clinical Trial in Japan for COVID-19 Patients

Anti-Influenza Drug Avigan® Tablet Meets Primary Endpoint in Phase III Clinical Trial in Japan for COVID-19 Patients

TOKYO — September 23, 2020 FUJIFILM Toyama Chemical Co., Ltd. (President: Junji Okada; hereina...
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Japan secures 120 mn doses of potential corona-vaccine: pharma group

Japan secures 120 mn doses of potential corona-vaccine: pharma group

Japan has signed a deal to secure 120 million dose...
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New wave of infections threatens to collapse Japan hospitals

New wave of infections threatens to collapse Japan hospitals

Hospitals in Japan are increasingly turning away s...
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Japan city seeks raincoats as emergency protection for virus staff

Japan city seeks raincoats as emergency protection for virus staff

Japan’s third-biggest city has appealed for ...
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