Researchers use machine learning to rank cancer drugs in order of efficacy

Researchers use machine learning to rank cancer drugs in order of efficacy

Researchers from Queen Mary University of London have developed a machine learning algorithm that ra...
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Near-infrared imaging and machine learning can identify hidden tumors

Near-infrared imaging and machine learning can identify hidden tumors

Tumors can be damaging to surrounding blood vessel...
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Machine learning scientists teach computers to read X-ray images

Machine learning scientists teach computers to read X-ray images

If a person in the developing world severely fract...
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Innovative machine learning approaches used to create a comprehensive view of breast cancer risk factors

Innovative machine learning approaches used to create a comprehensive view of breast cancer risk factors

A recently published article from University of Ea...
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New machine learning algorithm reduces need for brain-computer interfaces to undergo recalibration

New machine learning algorithm reduces need for brain-computer interfaces to undergo recalibration

Researchers from Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) ...
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