For Infant/Toddler Malaria Prevention, Vaccine Not Inferior to Drugs, but Both Are Best

For Infant/Toddler Malaria Prevention, Vaccine Not Inferior to Drugs, but Both Are Best

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – A malaria study comparing monthly chemoprevention, vaccination, or...
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China earns a malaria-free certification from WHO

China earns a malaria-free certification from WHO

Following a 70-year effort, China has been awarded...
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Six antibody features could be used to identify women at risk of placental malaria

Six antibody features could be used to identify women at risk of placental malaria

Six antibody characteristics could help scientists...
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Researchers develop sophisticated data modeling to help eradicate malaria in Haiti

Researchers develop sophisticated data modeling to help eradicate malaria in Haiti

Researchers from Telethon Kids Institute and Curti...
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New genetic resource may lead to prevention and treatment strategies for malaria

New genetic resource may lead to prevention and treatment strategies for malaria

A new extensive genetic resource of rat-infecting ...
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Custom proteins for malaria diagnostics

Custom proteins for malaria diagnostics

A global health organization and state-of-the-art ...
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Study examines effectiveness of targeted spraying for malaria control in low-transmission settings

Study examines effectiveness of targeted spraying for malaria control in low-transmission settings

IRS refers to the application of insecticide onto ...
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Human mobility in the Amazon ‘pushes malaria to cities’

Human mobility in the Amazon ‘pushes malaria to cities’

Understanding population mobility patterns could h...
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FDA approves IV artesunate for severe malaria

FDA approves IV artesunate for severe malaria

Intravenous (IV) artesunate received approval from...
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