Travel Bans, Quarantines Don’t Stop COVID-19 Spread, but They Can Delay It

Travel Bans, Quarantines Don’t Stop COVID-19 Spread, but They Can Delay It

New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut are instituting 14-day quarantines on travelers coming from CO...
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Without Lockdowns, Another 60 Million People in U.S. Could Have Developed COVID-19

Without Lockdowns, Another 60 Million People in U.S. Could Have Developed COVID-19

Without interventions, COVID-19 cases would grow a...
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Nearly 20% of People Have Used Bleach on Food Due to COVID-19

Nearly 20% of People Have Used Bleach on Food Due to COVID-19

A recent survey finds a significant percentage of ...
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What to Know About Potential COVID-19 Treatment Remdesivir

What to Know About Potential COVID-19 Treatment Remdesivir

Remdesivir went from potential Ebola treatment to ...
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Some States Are Learning What Happens to COVID-19 Cases If You Reopen Too Early

Some States Are Learning What Happens to COVID-19 Cases If You Reopen Too Early

At least 14 states are reporting an increase in co...
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What to Know About PMIS, the COVID-19-Linked Syndrome Affecting Children

What to Know About PMIS, the COVID-19-Linked Syndrome Affecting Children

COVID-19 is a respiratory disease, but PMIS (also ...
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What to Consider Before You Try ‘Quaranteaming’

What to Consider Before You Try ‘Quaranteaming’

As shelter-in-place orders continue in many states...
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The Unusual COVID-19 Symptoms You Can Miss

The Unusual COVID-19 Symptoms You Can Miss

Experts are still learning the symptoms of the inf...
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How to Build Daily and Weekly Routines as Shelter-in-Place Drags On

How to Build Daily and Weekly Routines as Shelter-in-Place Drags On

Experts say establishing consistent daily and week...
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Why Face Masks Are Crucial Now in the Battle Against COVID-19

Why Face Masks Are Crucial Now in the Battle Against COVID-19

As confirmed cases of COVID-19 continue to rise, t...
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