Young people’s fluctuating beliefs on alcohol’s effects influence their drinking and consequences

Young people’s fluctuating beliefs on alcohol’s effects influence their drinking and consequences

College students’ beliefs around the likelihood and desirability of alcohol’s effects va...
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Study explores the effects of morning weather on people’s mood and wellbeing at work

Study explores the effects of morning weather on people’s mood and wellbeing at work

The weather can greatly affect daily experiences, ...
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Autistic people’s nerve cells differ before birth

Autistic people’s nerve cells differ before birth

Autism is a neurodevelopmental condition that rese...
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Constant Zoom calls are worsening people's body dysmorphia

Constant Zoom calls are worsening people's body dysmorphia

A few months ago, most of us had never heard of Zo...
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New research reveals heavy cost of excessive drinking on people’s decision making

New research reveals heavy cost of excessive drinking on people’s decision making

A new study from psychologists at the University o...
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