Coronavirus test – how you can take an antibody test right now after Superdrug launch

Coronavirus is an infectious disease that has been confirmed in almost five million people across the world. You can find out whether you’ve ever had the virus, after Superdrug launched the UK’s first antibody test kit.

The UK has officially passed the peak of the coronavirus infection.

The government has advised the public to remain indoors in an attempt to curb the spread of the infection.

Despite nearing the final stretch of the COVID-19 outbreak, hundreds of people are still dying in the UK everyday.

High-street retailer Superdrug has offered everyone over 18 years old the chance to reveal whether they’ve ever been infected with coronavirus.

The test is now available to buy online, and is 97.5 percent accurate, said Superdrug.

Superdrug’s test is different from the current government testing, which only identifies antibodies, meaning it can only tell patients whether they’re currently infected.

This test, which is a blood test, can reveal whether you have ever been infected by the coronavirus.

After filling out an online form, Superdrug will send the test kit to your home.

The kit comes with a small vial and a lancet, which is used to collect a few drops of blood.

The blood is then sent off in a pre-paid package, and the results should be available within 24 hours.

Anybody over 18 can take the test, but if you’ve recently developed COVID-19 symptoms, you should wait for 14 days after the onset of those signs.

If you’ve never had any symptoms, or if you’ve previously had them but they appear to be disappeared, you can take the test.


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Superdrug’s doctor ambassador, Dr Zoe Williams said: “Now that Public Health England have approved certain antibody tests, it is great that Superdrug are offering the validated test to its customers.

“As a highly trusted high street retailer, Superdrug is well placed to offer this test, alongside the correct counselling and medical support.

“There are however things to consider before taking it.

“Receiving a positive antibody test result does not confer immunity, and it is important that people understand a positive test result does not mean you can be any more relaxed with the required hygiene and social distancing measures as set out by the government.”


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The entire antibody test kit currently costs £69 at Superdrug, which doesn’t include postage.

Meanwhile, the most common coronavirus symptoms include having a high fever, and developing a new, continuous cough.

Anybody that feels hot to the touch on their chest or back could be showing early coronavirus symptoms.

Similarly, anyone that’s been coughing more than usual for longer than a one-hour period, or if they’ve had at least three coughing episodes every 24 hours, should self-isolate.

Almost 250,000 people have tested positive for the coronavirus in the UK, and 35,341 have sadly died.

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