Dietary Supplement: ingestion of capsules with Omega-3 fatty acids is redundant – Naturopathy naturopathy specialist portal

Resources with Omega-3 fatty acids in the Test: Why fish oil capsules little

According to the experts, no other food supplements are purchased as often as fish oil capsules. Background evidence from various studies which have shown that Omega-3 are the risk for heart disease fatty acids could reduce. However, Stiftung Warentest reported that such capsules are useless.

Many people take capsules with Omega-3 fatty acids, to do something for your health. However, according to the Stiftung Warentest, the hoped-for effect of the supplements, the fish, algae, or linseed oil contain, were not sufficiently substantiated. “A reason to take such means, does not exist”, – stated in the June edition of the magazine “test”.

Omega-3 fatty acids are essential to life

Omega-3 fatty acids can not be made by the body and must therefore be obtained from food. They are healthy and necessary for life.

The consumer explained Central on your website, improve Omega-3 fatty acids, the flow properties of the blood, inhibit blood clotting, affect blood pressure lowering, anti-inflammatory and affect the triglyceride metabolism.

Therefore, the German nutrition society (DGE) holds 0.5 per cent Omega-3 fatty acids (ALA) based on the daily calories is appropriate. That’s the equivalent of an adult is about the amount contained in a tablespoon of rapeseed oil. Nutritional supplements are meeting the needs of not necessary.

Dietary supplements and drugs in the Test

The Stiftung Warentest has taken 20 supplements with Omega-3 fatty acids under the magnifying glass 14 with fish oil with algae oil, two with linseed oil.

Available such means are for example in pharmacies, drugstores, supermarkets and Online stores. In addition, the experts examined three over-the-counter medicines with Omega-3 fatty acids. These are for the reduction of elevated triglycerides, so a special blood fat values, which allowed the risk of cardiovascular diseases increase.

The cost of the food supplements range from a daily five up to 90 cents. The drugs are partly even more expensive.

The reviewers found contaminants in any product. The funds were, according to the experts, not harmful to health, but as a protection against, for example, heart attack or stroke, they were superfluous.

Use is not sufficiently documented

To reach their conclusions, the consultants according to a medical studies to capsules with Omega-3 fatty acids, according to the current state of scientific knowledge, as well as documentation, the provider will be evaluated.

Take into account also the publications of professional societies, the European food safety authority, Efsa, the European medicines Agency Ema and national authorities, and also legislation.

The experts come to the conclusion that the tested dietary Supplement for protection against cardiovascular diseases are superfluous, and the Use is not sufficiently documented.

According to the figures, this applies to Healthy as well as for high-risk patients and high-risk patients who have already had a heart attack is. Also for other applications such as the prevention of dementia or age-related eye diseases, no sufficient evidence was found areas.

Need about the diet

Nevertheless, the Stiftung Warentest stresses that Omega-3 fatty acids from the diet are valuable. Fat bring in fish such as salmon, but also, for example, walnuts, Linseed or rapeseed oil, plenty of it.

The calculations of the specialists according to the needs of self with the vegetable Oils alone is good cover. It is also not everything needs to be measured meticulously. To the mixture, it is.

Unhealthy fats, such as from snacks and sweets should only be eaten instead of healthy. Such a diet, combined with plenty of fruits and vegetables protects the heart and circulatory system. In addition, this diet provides even more for the health: vitamins, minerals and fiber. (ad)