Impact of COVID-19 on UK care homes for older people and workforce revealed

Impact of COVID-19 on UK care homes for older people and workforce revealed

  • Improved contingency planning for the financial impacts of future pandemics and the consequence for staffing, including creating a standby emergency social care workforce.
  • A plan for restoring services after the peak of the pandemic to prevent significant harm to residents caused by financial instability in care homes after the peak has passed.
  • Government action to ensure that public funding of the care home sector is used to support the pandemic response, rather than to reward to investors and shareholders, which enhanced financial regulation to ensure greater transparency and accountability.
  • The government and employers should improve pay and conditions for care staff, especially during pandemics (including recognition payments, enhanced sick pay and overtime rates) to recognize the key role played by care home workers in protecting older people from harm over the last three years.

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