Recall: In this toy dangerous germs lurk – Naturopathy naturopathy specialist portal

Dangerous germs in children’s toys discovered

The Federal office for consumer protection and food safety, as well as the Dutch toy manufacturer, Idea Vending B. V. to warn of a child’s toy, from a contaminated liquid can leak out. As a result, the risk of a serious infection there. The toy should not be used.

It is the product “Spuishy Dino mesh ball” on the supplier Toy Joy Tec machine sales in Lüneburg. The affected toys were purchased from various vending machines that are placed in the Federal States of Hamburg, lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia, Rhineland-Palatinate, Schleswig-Holstein and Thuringia.

The germ can cause serious infections

“When you Play with the toy, it can leak to the leaking liquid”, writes the Federal office for consumer protection and food safety. This liquid was contaminated microbiologically. Among other things, the environmental germ-Pseudomonas, it has been demonstrated putida. In sensitive individuals, and especially in people with pre-existing conditions, this bacterium can cause severe infections. This count, in particular, when the liquid comes in contact to wounds or open skin areas.

Poor Information on the part of the manufacturer

Unfortunately, the manufacturer does not inform sufficiently about the recall. For example, it is unclear where exactly the machines were placed and where the consumers of the affected goods, or your money back can give. However, it is important that the toy should not be used.

About Pseudomonas putida

According to the Federal Institute for work protection and work medicine Pseudomonas putida, a causative agent of non-specific infectious diseases in humans and animals. The germ may, for example, call soft forth part of the infection, spontaneously occurring Meningitis, wound infections, Sepsis as well as large-scale changes to the skin. In addition, the pathogen can cause a chronic fatigue syndrome. The first signs of a disease can be set after two to twelve days after contact with the pathogen-containing Material. (vb)