Research reveals underperformance of many Phase III oncology trials

Research reveals underperformance of many Phase III oncology trials

New research in the September 2021 issue of JNCCN-;Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Netw...
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Systematic review focuses on women's health associated with menopausal hormone therapy

Systematic review focuses on women's health associated with menopausal hormone therapy

Treatment with estrogen in menopause is both good ...
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UK kids with cancer face funding lottery for fertility preservation services

UK kids with cancer face funding lottery for fertility preservation services

Children and young people with cancer in the UK fa...
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Babies can be born with cancer – and I dread it returning in my precious girl

Babies can be born with cancer – and I dread it returning in my precious girl

It was a total whirlwind as I prepared for my firs...
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Carbohydrate-insulin model can better explain obesity and weight gain

Carbohydrate-insulin model can better explain obesity and weight gain

Statistics from the Centers for Disease Control an...
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Lung cancer patients report high anxiety levels and experience treatment delays due to the pandemic

Lung cancer patients report high anxiety levels and experience treatment delays due to the pandemic

Patients coping with lung cancer and treated in on...
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Stem-like T cells within certain lymph nodes could be natural cancer fighters, study shows

Stem-like T cells within certain lymph nodes could be natural cancer fighters, study shows

In a new study by Yale Cancer Center, researchers ...
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First-in-human trial proves feasibility of Temporally Feathered Radiation Therapy

First-in-human trial proves feasibility of Temporally Feathered Radiation Therapy

Researchers from Cleveland Clinic and OhioHealth h...
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Impact of neoadjuvant concurrent chemoradiation on exosomal markers expression in colorectal cancer

Impact of neoadjuvant concurrent chemoradiation on exosomal markers expression in colorectal cancer

Oncotarget published "The impact of neoadjuva...
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HMGA1 plays role in gastric cancer cell proliferation and metastasis

HMGA1 plays role in gastric cancer cell proliferation and metastasis

Aging-US published "HMGA1 promotes gastric ca...
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