UK coronavirus face mask: What is a FFP3 mask? Does it protect against coronavirus?

UK coronavirus face mask: What is a FFP3 mask? Does it protect against coronavirus?

Coronavirus cases in the UK are now amongst the highest in Europe, as the country continues on stric...
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Hospitals see rise in patients being treated for DIY mishaps during COVID-19 lockdown

Hospitals see rise in patients being treated for DIY mishaps during COVID-19 lockdown

Oxford Eye Hospital has seen it’s records fo...
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Amanda Holden health: Britain’s Got Talent judge’s traumatic childbirth ordeal

Amanda Holden health: Britain’s Got Talent judge’s traumatic childbirth ordeal

Amanda Holden has delighted our screens for more t...
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Coronavirus warning – how often do you poo in a day? The number that could mean COVID-19

Coronavirus warning – how often do you poo in a day? The number that could mean COVID-19

Coronavirus is an infectious disease which has bee...
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Self isolation: Can my partner go to work if I have to self isolate for 12 weeks?

Self isolation: Can my partner go to work if I have to self isolate for 12 weeks?

Self isolation is a mandatory state for those who ...
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Coronavirus symptoms: Doctor reveals key characteristic of the virus to remember

Coronavirus symptoms: Doctor reveals key characteristic of the virus to remember

Coronavirus can be very similar to the flu, so how...
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Coronavirus symptoms: Spanish doctor reveals the stages of his symptoms over two weeks

Coronavirus symptoms: Spanish doctor reveals the stages of his symptoms over two weeks

Coronavirus has backed the UK government into a co...
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Coronavirus isolation: NHS tells 1.5 million people to quarantine – Am I at risk?

Coronavirus isolation: NHS tells 1.5 million people to quarantine – Am I at risk?

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) could “overwh...
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Bed bugs bites: If bites accompany this smell in your room you could have an infestation

Bed bugs bites: If bites accompany this smell in your room you could have an infestation

Bed bugs are tiny insects, with adults reaching 5m...
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Coronavirus protection: Four things you need to do to avoid catching and spreading virus

Coronavirus protection: Four things you need to do to avoid catching and spreading virus

Coronavirus fears continue to mount as the death t...
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