When You Switch To A Carnivore Diet, This Is What Happens To Your Body

When You Switch To A Carnivore Diet, This Is What Happens To Your Body

You may have heard of the paleo diet or caveman diet. Both of these meal plans are focused on the fo...
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Engineered safety switch curbs severe side effects of CAR-T immunotherapy

Engineered safety switch curbs severe side effects of CAR-T immunotherapy

UNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center researc...
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Flipping a metabolic switch to slow tumor growth

Flipping a metabolic switch to slow tumor growth

The enzyme serine palmitoyl-transferase can be use...
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Turning on the ‘off switch’ in cancer cells

Turning on the ‘off switch’ in cancer cells

A team of scientists led by the University of Mich...
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Triggering melanoma cell death to fight cancer with its own ‘suicide switch’

Triggering melanoma cell death to fight cancer with its own ‘suicide switch’

Scientists at the Centenary Institute have reporte...
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Liver fibrosis ‘off switch’ discovered in mice

Liver fibrosis ‘off switch’ discovered in mice

Chronic alcohol abuse and hepatitis can injure the...
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