15. June: Denmark open borders for German tourists

The Coronavirus pandemic has the world firmly in its grip: More than five million people were infected worldwide with the novel pathogen, Sars-CoV-2 – 179.928 of them so far in Germany.

Covid-19-News from Germany and around the world – the top stories: Corona outbreak in Bremerhaven parish (08.38 hrs) Corona-the outbreak after visit to the Restaurant: the operator must business give up (06.41 am) provinces report 651 New infections – the R-value drops to all-time low (20.05 PM)

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  • More News, services, and ideas to the Corona pandemic, see our overview of the portal

Denmark opens borders for German tourists

Denmark opens its in the Corona of crisis, closed borders, from the age of 15. June for tourists from Germany, Norway, Iceland, and Scandinavia. The Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen announced Friday in Copenhagen.

All messages to the Corona-crisis in Germany, Europe and the world, you will find in the News Ticker of FOCUS Online.

More News about the Coronavirus pandemic

  • Contact ban to visit the family, meet friends? What is allowed on the weekend
  • Virus crisis live: Angela Merkel warns of relapse "Citizens have it in the Hand"


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