Study: one in five Stockholm has Coronavirus antibodies

The Coronavirus pandemic holds the world in suspense! More than 5 million people were infected worldwide with the new Covid-19 – 176.486 of them so far in Germany. All messages to the Corona-crisis in Germany, Europe and the world, you will find in the News Ticker of FOCUS Online.

Study: one in five Stockholm has Coronavirus antibodies

More than one out of every five residents of the Swedish capital, Stockholm, has formed antibodies against the Coronavirus. This is the intermediate result of a still ongoing study, the national health authority, which released the findings on Wednesday.

Thus, in the worst of the pandemic is concerned, the Swedish city that 7.3 percent of the end of April, more than a thousand randomly Tested had antibodies. In the case of the extrapolation of the share of the population with antibodies, it was considered that the Tests are already some of the week and that it will take a few weeks, until the body creates antibodies against the pathogen developed.

He will assume that "a little over 20 Prozent" the inhabitants of Stockholm had been with the new type of pathogen infected, said chief virologist Anders Tegnell at a press conference. More than a third of Sweden confirmed cases relate to the capital. In other Parts of the country, the Figures for the antibody layer carrier lower. In the extreme South, there were 4.2 percent, in the Region of Gothenburg, only 3.7 per cent.

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