Aluminum in Deodorants: antiperspirants less dangerous than you thought? Naturopathy Naturopathy Specialist Portal

Aluminium in Deos: Reduced health risk?

To high aluminum levels in the body, according to the current scientific knowledge of the health damage and negative effects on the nervous system, the kidneys and the bones. The light metal will be included, among other aluminum-containing Deodorants. But the health risk of such products is intended, according to a reassessment of apparently lower than in the past.

In the past years, many experts have warned of possible health risks from Aluminium in Deodorants. But now the Federal Institute for risk assessment (BfR) has given an opinion more or less clear, at least with regard to antiperspirants. Indeed, the amount of aluminum, the will absorbed through the skin was lower than previously thought.

Health Risks

Again and again is pointed out by experts on the potential health risks from Aluminium in Deodorants. The aluminium-containing cosmetic products are because of the included metal, among other things, suspected to increase the risk for diseases such as cancer or dementia.

So, Researchers reported from Switzerland a few years ago in the journal “International Journal of Cancer” about a connection between aluminum Deodorants and the development of breast cancer.

Many of the potential health risks, however, are not scientifically proven. It is known, however, declared that high aluminum levels in the body, according to the current scientific knowledge of the negative effects on the nervous system, the kidney and the bone, the BfR in the current message.

A great deal of scientific uncertainty

Consumers aluminum can absorb compounds from a variety of sources, including aluminum-containing Deodorants. As in the past year in a BfR opinion on the aluminum intake was found, the total burden resulting from all sources of Exposure, in some groups of the population to high.

This finding is not altered by the now, made possible revaluation of the contribution of aluminium chlorohydrate in antiperspirants, a product group that is used on a daily basis. Their contribution to the total burden of aluminum is adopted according to the current risk assessment of the BfR is significantly lower than in the past.

“By the skin significantly less aluminum is taken as on date the available, limited data basis”, says BfR President Professor Dr. Dr. Andreas Hensel.

The BfR had the absorption through the skin, i.e. the dermal absorption of aluminum salts for the first time in 2014. “We have already referred to the large scientific uncertainty in the data and the urgent need for research are made aware of,” says Hensel.

The missing data were collected in two further human studies from the years 2016 and 2019, of which only the latter enabled a re-evaluation. Thus, reliable data was only available five years after the BfR-request for a scientific and reliable skin absorption study.

“Our current risk assessment shows also in this case, the dynamic growth of the scientific knowledge process can be to certain issues, and that it is continuously seeking to reduce existing uncertainties through the Closing of gaps in the data”, explains BfR President.

Aluminum absorption through the skin

As the BfR, are used in antiperspirants, aluminium salts to block the flow of Sweat and to inhibit odour formation. How much aluminum is absorbed from the Deos of the skin, was long time uncertain.

Currently three human studies from the years 2001, 2016 and 2019 are for the aluminum absorption through the skin (dermal Absorption or bioavailability) of antiperspirants. All three studies are based on the measurement of the aluminum concentration in the blood and/or urine. The scientific statement and the scientific relevance of the three studies is different according to the professionals significantly.

A reliable value for the absorption rate/bioavailability of the study in the year 2019 and provides, therefore, only. This value placed the professionals of the BfR for risk assessment is based on and hence the intake through the skin is derived in a model calculation, with the result that a significant contribution of antiperspirants the total exposure to aluminum according to the current data situation is unlikely.

Caution with certain foods

Those who want to protect themselves against the high aluminum absorption, should pay attention to the BfR, according to the fact that, especially in acidic and salt-containing foods and beverages with aluminum, in contact, such as drinking bottles, baking trays or the grill shells. (ad)

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