Best supplements for men over 50: Two daily pills essential for overall good health

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Supplements differ in their strength and reliability with some proving essential. Women and men also differ in their dietary needs with certain supplements again proving essential to their needs. What are two essential daily pills for men aged over 50 according to experts?

Magnesium is involved in hundreds of biochemical processes throughout the body including energy production, blood pressure control and healthy bone development for men aged over 50.

The supplement is also essential for transporting calcium and potassium across cell development.

Taking magnesium supplements in middle age could help protect bones, a study suggests.

The pills may hold the key to reducing rates of the most preventable cause of disability in middle-aged and elderly people, UK scientists said.

They also found that men need to consume more magnesium than women. 

Doctor Setor Kunutsor, of Bristol University, said: “As people get older it becomes harder to absorb magnesium. But they don’t show any symptoms until they break a bone.”

Most people get the magnesium they need from their diet as it is found in many foods including green leafy vegetables, fish, meat, dairy, nuts, brown rice and wholegrain bread.

But supplements can help people with a poor or restricted diet.

Everyone needs calcium to keep bones strong.

It’s especially important for older people, in whom the mineral can leach from bones.

Losing calcium weakens bones and leaves them more prone to breaking.

As men get older, more bone loss occurs rather than bone build up.

The tiny holes within bones get bigger, and the solid outer layer becomes thinner.

In other words, our bones get less dense and hard bones turn spongier.

If this loss of bone density goes too far, it’s known as osteoporosis.

“A third of all hip fractures occur in men, yet the problem of osteoporosis in men is frequently downplayed or ignored,” said Doctor Eric Orwoll, physician-researcher who studies osteoporosis at Oregon Health and Science University. 

Over 10 million people nationwide are estimated to have osteoporosis.

In the UK, around a fifth of men over 50 will break a bone at some point.

For these reasons, both a magnesium and calcium supplement are strongly recommended.

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