Coronavirus outbreak in Germany: 397 people have already died, 54.212 are infected with the Coronavirus. Worldwide more than 500,000 cases were registered. Meanwhile, the US experienced with over 115.500 cases, most of the Corona cases worldwide. All the information about the Corona-crisis you will find in the News Ticker of FOCUS Online.
The Swiss city of Zurich expects as a result of the corona crisis with a Lockdown until at least the end of August. The Swiss “look” citing the service Department “protection & Rescue Zurich“ of the security Department of the city.
The “most likely Situation” is not a sufficient containment of the Virus and, therefore, a tightening and “massive extension” of the counter-measures.
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Where is Coronavirus? The real-time map showing the spread of the disease
FOCUS Online/Wochit Where occurs Coronavirus on? The real-time map showing the spread of the disease