Hypnotherapy can help boost your health; here’s what science says

Hypnosis affects your consciousness and brings you into a state wherein you focus only on the inside.

Pop culture has us believe that hypnotherapy is all about dangling a pocket watch in front of someone’s face, and using it as a mind control mechanism. But, real-life hypnotherapy is so much more serious and life-altering. Not some mind control balderdash, but one that helps certainly and incredibly with mental and physical health. Read on.

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The benefits

Research done over the years shows that this form of therapy helps with many underlying issues like anxiety and stress. It can boost your energy levels and improve your sleeping habits. Also, hypnotherapy has been credited with helping people get rid of bad habits like smoking, alcoholism, binge eating, among others, along with treating acute and chronic pain, burns, headaches and backaches. In fact, experts have also said that hypnotherapy can calm a hypersensitive gut, thereby treating irritable bowel syndrome or IBS.

How it works

Hypnosis affects your consciousness and brings you into a state wherein you focus only on the inside. As you become less aware of what is around you, you become open to suggestions. Therapists call it a state of deep, induced meditation. When in this state, you receive and react to suggestions as if it were reality. For instance, if the therapist says your arm is as light as a feather, and it is being slowly lifted up, your brain will make you believe that it is.

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Getting started

Before you get started, understand what it is that you want out of this therapy. Then find a licensed therapist. If, for instance, you want to treat a chronic pain, look for a hypnotherapist who has a medical degree. Tell yourself that you are fully committed to give it a try. Just like meditation, your mind will be in it and will respond to the therapy if you make it. You have to be open and embracing to the idea. While some people may need only one session, others may need more than one.

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