Lindner calls for bold plans for schools and day care centers

The Coronavirus pandemic in Germany medicine, politics, tourism and society firmly in its grip: More than 4.8 million people globally have become infected with the pathogen of Sars-CoV-2, 175.672 of them in Germany.

FDP-Chef Christian Lindner has called for more pace in the Opening up of schools and day care centers. "If there are four professional medical societies, access to open day-care centres and schools, and also quickly the policy as possible reagieren", he told the German press Agency. Several medical associations, including the professional Association of child and youth doctors, had argued in a joint opinion for an immediate complete opening of kindergartens and schools. "According to the associations of children are not strong drivers of the pandemic. We must come to the right conclusions ziehen", Lindner said.

The Corona-crisis could no longer be carried out on the backs of children and parents. There is a need for "quickly smart and bold Stufenpläne", such as schools and kindergartens faster back in the classroom might be made. The countries will decide on their own. In Saxony primary schools and kindergartens for all since the start of the week are open again. Elsewhere, there is in the day-care centres continue to only emergency care. At the schools the students change at the moment: A part of learning at home, the other gets in the classroom.

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