WHO record number of reports in the new Corona-infections in a day

In the past 24 hours Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus Of 106,000, according to WHO Director-General to Re-infections as many as have never been registered in a single day.

The world have yet to "a long way to go before sich", as the WHO Director-General. Especially the increasing Numbers in poorer countries, the health organization to prepare the world to worry about.

The member States of the world health organization (WHO) had previously decided an independent investigation of the response to the Coronavirus pandemic. In the case of the "impartial, independent and comprehensive Evaluierung" the role of the WHO and the timing should be tested, stated in the adopted on Tuesday a Resolution. US President, Donald Trump threatened, however, with a permanent stop of the US contribution payments and a withdrawal from the UN organization.

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Tschentscher for Hygiene Demo to get caught? Lanz shall submit to the SPD photo-man counters

FOCUS Online/Wochit Tschentscher in Hygiene-Demo caught? Lanz shall submit to the SPD photo-man counters