Low carb diets often influenced by internet information and do not work for all: study

Low carb diets often influenced by internet information and do not work for all: study

Low carbohydrate diets are often driven by beliefs that are influenced by internet resources, and do...
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Do we need to make a potential COVID-19 vaccine mandatory?

Do we need to make a potential COVID-19 vaccine mandatory?

Prime Minister Scott Morrison floated the idea of ...
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Physicians do not see they are part of antibiotic prescription problem

Physicians do not see they are part of antibiotic prescription problem

(HealthDay)—Primary care physicians generally do...
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Gloves may do more harm than good when it comes to protecting you from COVID-19

Gloves may do more harm than good when it comes to protecting you from COVID-19

People want to debate whether wearing a mask works...
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Do we know what we want in a romantic partner? No more than a random stranger would, study says

Do we know what we want in a romantic partner? No more than a random stranger would, study says

We all can describe our ideal partner. Perhaps the...
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Diabetic nephropathy: Study results on proteomic analysis do not show benefit

Diabetic nephropathy: Study results on proteomic analysis do not show benefit

One of the consequences of diabetes mellitus, part...
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No-Equipment Exercises You Can Do Every Day to Build Upper Body Strength

No-Equipment Exercises You Can Do Every Day to Build Upper Body Strength

Many of us know how to build lower-body strength w...
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Coronaviruses do not readily induce cross-protective antibody responses

Coronaviruses do not readily induce cross-protective antibody responses

Patients infected with either severe acute respira...
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What to do if a migraine comes again and again?

What to do if a migraine comes again and again?

Very strong, half-sided, pulsating headache, often...
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30 things to do to sort out your sleep in lockdown

30 things to do to sort out your sleep in lockdown

With the change in routine that lockdown has cause...
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