Study focuses on a different kind of liquid biopsy to detect cancer

Study focuses on a different kind of liquid biopsy to detect cancer

Because cancer is easier to successfully treat when it’s caught early, a major goal in cancer ...
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Clinical trial focuses on reducing overactive immune response in COVID-19

Clinical trial focuses on reducing overactive immune response in COVID-19

Researchers at Washington University School of Med...
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Body weight has surprising, alarming impact on brain function

Body weight has surprising, alarming impact on brain function

As a person’s weight goes up, all regions of...
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Invisible barriers cut down on cheating

Invisible barriers cut down on cheating

You know those cardboard partitions that sometimes...
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Minnesota mom dies of coronavirus, weeks after giving birth on ventilator

Minnesota mom dies of coronavirus, weeks after giving birth on ventilator

Thousands of nurses head to Florida hot zone amid ...
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Oxford immunologist on coronavirus vaccine: Our early results look highly promising

Oxford immunologist on coronavirus vaccine: Our early results look highly promising

A vaccine against COVID-19 is urgently needed if w...
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About 5,000 heart attack sufferers in England missed out on lifesaving hospital treatment due to pandemic

About 5,000 heart attack sufferers in England missed out on lifesaving hospital treatment due to pandemic

Researchers at the University of Oxford, working w...
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The long-term biological effects of COVID-19 stress on kids’ future health and development

The long-term biological effects of COVID-19 stress on kids’ future health and development

One fortunate aspect of COVID-19 is that children ...
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Black medic creates handbook to show how health conditions look on darker skin

Black medic creates handbook to show how health conditions look on darker skin

A medical student who was trained to identify how ...
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69 Sex Positions You Need to Put on Your Bucket List Immediately

69 Sex Positions You Need to Put on Your Bucket List Immediately

In the wonderful world of sex, there’s getti...
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