Corona: Infected-number in Russia is increasing rapidly

The Coronavirus is spreading in Germany: 1449 people have already died, 95.940 with Covid-19 infected. Worldwide already more than a Million cases were registered. Meanwhile, the United States recorded more than 324.000 cases, most of the Corona cases worldwide. All the information about the Corona-crisis you will find in the News Ticker of FOCUS Online.

In Russia, there are nearly one thousand new infections within a day – as many as never before. The authorities reported 954 new cases confirmed, the day before, there were still 658. A total of 6343 infection cases are registered. Most of the people have been infected in the capital Moscow alone, there are according to the authorities, 591 new cases. Across the country 47 deaths in connection with the Coronavirus are known. Str/AP/dpa

Casserole made with raw asparagus: This dish brings a variety in the asparagus season

Appetite casserole made with raw asparagus: This dish brings a variety in the asparagus season  

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