So how to protect women in the Menopause before the depression?
Women can suffer Menopause depressive symptoms. This risk can be reduced if women in the menopause, a high level of physical activity. Physical activity is associated with less depressive symptoms and increased life satisfaction.
In the current investigation of the University of Jyväskylä in Finland, it was found that increased physical activity may protect women in Menopause and depressive symptoms. The results of the study were published in the English journal “Menopause”.
Three phases of the Menopause
The Menopause occurs on average between the 46. and 52. Age and the aging of the reproductive system of a woman, what far-reaching effects on many body functions. The Transition into the menopause is divided into three phases: pre-menopause, begins five to ten years before Menopause, a gradual irregularity of the menstrual cycle, Perimenopause is the time before the last menstrual period, when ovarian function decreases significantly, and the post-menopause is the time after the last Menstruation.
Reduced well-being in menopause
The researchers analyzed possible links between Menopause and mental health in middle-aged women and found that “postmenopausal women had more depressive symptoms when peri – or premenopausal women,” says study author Dmitriy Bondarev from the University of Jyväskylä in a press release. Regardless of the Status of the Menopause positive effects of physical activity, however, been on the well-being.
Impact of increased physical activity
The results of the study show that physical activity in women of middle age for the psychological well-being is generally advantageous, according to the research team. A high level of physical activity was associated with less depressive symptoms, higher life satisfaction and a more positive basic attitude in women in the menopause.
Physically active women were more satisfied with their lives
“Physically active women had lower depressive symptoms, had higher positive Affectivity, and were compared to inactive women are more satisfied with life”, reported Dmitriy Bondarev. To says be physically active during the Transition into menopause can help to resist the negative influence of menopause on the mind and strengthen the positive psychological well-being, the expert.
Data from more than 1,000 women were evaluated
The current investigation is part of the ERMA-study (Estrogenic Regulation of Muscle Apoptosis), to the more than 1,000 women in age from 47 to 55 years were involved. In the present study, the menopausal stage was determined by serum hormone concentrations and Menstrual diaries. Mental well-being and physical activity were specified by the participants. (as)